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Jan 20

In honor of a great man. Hope your day is going well and everything you achieve is important, even the smallest things.

Jan 10

Just feeling frustrated today. Why does it have to be so hard to lose weight some times?? Just a small rant today. Going to stay positive! #newyearschallenge #outofmycomfortzone #goingformygoals #weightlossjourney

Jan 10

Positive vibes to all of those that have lost their homes! The wind continues and these fires being nearby don't make it easy to focus on my goals. We just got out of the holidays and new year and already something else to worry about! Staying positive! #newyearschallenge #outofmycomfortzone #goingf...Read more

Jan 6

We have to be our own biggest cheerleader and trainer most of the time. It can be so tough! Do you have a weightloss vlog/blog? I would love to sub and follow you for motivation as well! Starting January off as strong as I can. I got a good long walk in and I talk about what my plan is to lose weigh...Read more

Jan 3

New reaction 1k best friends s3 ep 5! Scott's STRING CHEESE STASH! Vanessa's skin surgery recovery, weightloss community therapy session and Ashley meets with the fertility doctor! #1000lbbestfriends #weighlossmotivation #creationmotivationsite #motivational #weightlosscommunity #weightloss #reactio...Read more